Halloween Is Back: Tips & Reminders For A Safe Holiday
It’s almost time for Halloween and you already know what that means: Costumes, candy, and spooky family fun. After a hard 2020, many of us have been awaiting a holiday like this where we can finally have our favorite venues and fairs open, and neighbors eager for some face-to-face after covid. Kids everywhere have been picking out costumes in the past weeks and they’re nothing short of excited to “trick or treat” and collect as much candy as they can! For many parents, it is also a time where anxiety rises as they fear for their kid’s safety. In this blog, we’ll explore different ways you can help make this a great Halloween for your kids and others all over the block. This year, let’s brush up on safety tips a little more to be sure we’re taking into consideration all of these things…
Yummy Yummy Candy
While collecting all sorts of candy is a fun tradition, we must always err on the side of caution when it comes to consuming. Unfortunately, there is always the great fear that there could be someone out there who would deliberately want to do harm, so many families opt to skip the trick or treating because of this. Though tampering with candy is a rare occurrence, it’s important to inspect them cautiously before letting them be indulged. A good rule of thumb when letting kids collect tasty treats is to check the candy as soon you get home. According to CSUCI, if you find any of the following, you should definitely throw the candy away:
- An unusual appearance or discoloration
- Tiny pinholes or tears in wrappers
- Spoiled or unwrapped items
- Homemade items or baked goods should be discarded unless you personally know who gave them.
- When in doubt, throw it out
Be kind to all!
Trick or treaters come in all forms. If you and your family opt to stay at home watching spooky films and doing the treating rather than tricking for the neighbors, it would be nice to take these things into consideration.
- If you see some kids that don’t say anything, like “trick or treat” or “thank you”, keep in mind that they may be non-verbal.
- If they’re grabbing more than one candy, they could have poor fine motor skills.
- Costumes, crowds and unfamiliar sights and smells can all be triggers for someone who has sensory processing disorder or autism.
It’s always best to just be kind and courteous as possible to all, no matter their age.
Teach safety & precaution
For the big kids who are ready to venture out in groups with their friends this season, it’s imperative that they go over some guidelines to ensure they have a great time in the safest way. Whether it be making sure they don’t wear masks that can obstruct views of the street while crossing, teaching them to be aware of their surroundings at all times, keeping a buddy system, or using some kind of tracker so parents know where they are at all times… there are many details they should go over before embarking on their Halloween night ventures. A great website that lists a bunch of safety tips can be found here.
We hope this mini-guide is a helpful reminder of tips and tricks to keep in mind for Halloween 2021 and others to come!